Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Nov. 27, 2013

I "slept in" until 6:45am before getting out there.  Did a slow 55:14 walk/run this morning in the cold.  I am estimating this is about a 3+ mile loop. 

Still worried about doing too much.  Anytime my heart rate starts picking up, I start walking.   Just don't want to over do it.... for now.  Being out of shape, heavy, and in the cold is not a great combination.

This old ticker is pretty amazing.  I read where your heart can pump blood to every cell in your body.....and it does it in less than a minute!

In 24 hours it beats about 100,000 times and pumps 2,000 gallons of blood many times through your blood vessels. It's an amazing little fist size muscle!

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